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Footage Of A Party In Bali Goes Viral As Netizens Call For Social Distancing During COVID-19

Footage of Bali party goes viral

COVID-19 is not going away any time soon. Regions across Indonesia are on high alert, with a number of regions implementing large-scale social distancing, or PSBB

So when footage of a private party in Bali went viral online during this period of self-isolation, people got rightfully angry.

It’s not the right time to party in Canggu…or anywhere else

tweet about people partying in bali during lockdown psbbImage credit: @WulanRussell

The private party that took place on Saturday, 12th April 2020 was brought to attention by Youtube content creator Wulan Russell. In her tweet, she asked other users to help make the news viral.

As a former Bali resident, she appeared to be angered by the reckless actions of the party-goers, finishing off her tweet with the hashtag #RIPSocialDistancing.

Footage of Bali party goes viral - Tweet 2
Image credit: @WulanRussell

She then went on to say that the people at the party were selfish for having fun at the expense of Indonesians who are scared, worried, and staying at home

Footage of Bali party goes viral - Tweet 3
Image credit: @WulanRussell

Elsewhere in the thread, she said that tweeting the footage and user accounts of those present at the party was the only way she could help her followers and friends who reported the incident to her. She found the party to be unacceptable at a time when most people couldn’t even go out to get food.

Netizens react

bali party during covid-19

Video credit: @WulanRussell

Footage of Bali party goes viral - Tweet 4
Image credit: @Riskyanaad

One responder to the thread likened it to the Florida incident where spring breakers refused to stop partying.

Footage of Bali party goes viral - Tweet 5
Image credit: @kiillanie

Another Twitter user said that they’re too scared to even poke their head out of the house, let alone party.

Summoned by local authorities

Following the wave of angry tweets, local authorities summoned those identified in the videos and photos. On 14th April 2020, four people who were present at the party were asked to write official statements regarding their behavior.

There’s nothing wrong with partying, but not in the middle of a pandemic

The problem isn’t that there’s something wrong with partying itself. A lot of us miss spending time with our friends and family, but when there’s a COVID-19 pandemic changing the way people everywhere live their lives, we should probably wait for it to blow over, whenever that will be.

In the meantime, there’s always Indonesian Netflix movies, art, cooking, and exercise, and perhaps even dalgona coffee to keep us occupied safely at home.   

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Cover image adapted from @WulanRussell

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