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Jalan Malioboro Guide – What To Eat, Where To Stay & Things To Do In The Heart Of Yogyakarta

Food, hotels, and things to do in Jalan Malioboro

To describe Jalan Malioboro, located right at the heart of Yogyakarta, colloquially known as Jogja, with the word lively would be an understatement. Night in and night out, the busy shopping street teems with life and unless you’re a hardcore agoraphobic, it’s impossible to not marvel at the energy all around you.

As lovely as being in the center of this energy is, however, things can get pretty overwhelming here as well. To help you find your bearings, this guide on what to eat, where to stay, and things to do in Jalan Malioboro will let you know where to begin.

– Things to do in Jalan Malioboro –

1. Test your bargaining skills at Beringharjo Market

beringharjo market malioboro
Beringharjo Market’s art deco facade is impossible to miss
Image credit: @hanggacholic

As it is technically a shopping street, it’s only appropriate to start your journey of things to do in Malioboro by lightening your wallet. The best place to do so is the Beringharjo Market, constructed in 1926 under orders of the Yogyakarta Sultanate where the market’s unmistakable art deco facade remains one of the street’s best-known landmarks.

inside beringharjo market
Inside the always lively Beringharjo Market
Image credit: @teguhzaenoeri

Today, the market sells every possible thing you could think of, from daily groceries to souvenirs such as batik and even several genuine vintage items. Of course, this being a traditional market, a keen eye and bargaining skills are required.

beringharjo market food
There are plenty of food stalls in the market if you’re feeling famished
Image credit: @rahmatrivaldii

Unlike the rest of Jalan Malioboro that springs to life past sunset, most of the stalls at the Beringharjo Market close at around 5PM even if the market itself is still open. It’s best to finish your shopping early and recharge at your hotel before seeing what Jalan Malioboro is like during the night.

Address: Jl. Margo Mulyo No.16, Ngupasan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55122
Opening hours: 8.30AM-9PM, Daily

2. Drop by the palatial Gedung Agung Yogyakarta

gedung agung yogyakarta malioboro
The front gate of Gedung Agung. The public entrance is through a smaller gate located to the right
Image credit: @siti_azmiyyah

Officially named the Yogyakarta Presidential Palace, this complex is where the sitting president stays whenever he has business in the region. In Yogyakarta, the palace is referred to as Gedung Agung Yogyakarta, to avoid confusion with the Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, the seat of the Yogyakarta Sultanate.

gedung agung exterior
The palatial exterior of the complex makes for a great photo spot
Image credit: @xiaolingchan

Not many tourists realize this because the front gate is almost always closed but the palace is actually open to the public through a smaller side entrance. Being an official presidential palace, it’s quite opulent and it comes with additional procedures visitors have to follow.

Appropriate attire is a must with sandals, shorts, and t-shirts a big no-no, and visitors must hand in their identity cards or passports at the gate as collateral. Additionally, you’re going to be accompanied by an official from the palace at all times – they will act as both a chaperone and a guide for the duration of your visit.

gedung agung museum
In front of the palace museum, one of several publicly accessible areas of the complex
Image credit: @utarinik

Inside, you can check out the Yogyakarta Palace Museum with paintings and memorabilia of Indonesia’s past presidents and a collection of artworks belonging to the Presidential Palace. If you’re thinking of visiting the president’s bedroom though, you’re out of luck as most of the residential area is closed to the public and it’s forbidden to take photos of the few that are open.

Address: Jalan Ahmad Yani, Ngupasan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55122
Opening hours: Mon – Friday 8AM-2PM | Closed Saturdays and Sundays
Admission fee: Free


3. Relive Yogyakarta’s history in the Fort Vredeburg Museum

fort vredeburg museum malioboro
The iconic front gate of Fort Vredeburg, now a popular photo spot
Image credit: @widyanastiti_

Sitting right across of the Gedung Agung, the white colonial front gate of the Fort Vredeburg Museum is impossible to miss. The fort as it stands now was built in 1867 after the old building was demolished in an earthquake and to this day remains one of the most well-preserved remnants of colonial architecture as well as an important historical monument.

vredeburg things to do in malioboro
The fortress is just one of many examples of colonial architecture in the area
Image credit: @bintinj

In Dutch, the word vrede means ‘peace’ and Fort Vredeburg roughly translates as the ‘fort of peace’, signifying the then peaceful co-existence of the Dutch and the people of Yogyakarta. Of course, locals back then thought of the fort, built within walking distance of the Kraton, as a thinly-veiled insult.

fort vredeburg diorama
Having fun with one of the many dioramas located inside the museum
Image credit:

Inside, the museum houses a collection of dioramas dedicated to Yogyakarta’s historical moments dating back to the era of celebrated hero Prince Diponegoro in the 19th century. Most of the dioramas have English explanations so even if you’re not familiar with the Indonesian language, you can still learn a thing or two about the history of Yogyakarta and the fort itself.

Address: Jl. Margo Mulyo No.6, Ngupasan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55122
Opening hours: Tue – Fri 9AM-2PM | Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays
Admission fee: Rp. 10,000 (~USD0.69) for foreigners, Rp. 3,000 (~USD0.21) for locals


4. Explore the Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat

kraton yogyakarta
Locals still regard the Yogyakarta Sultanate as higher in status than even the President of Indonesia
Image credit: @ayulindapuspitadewi

While Indonesia is a republic, Yogyakarta itself still functions as a monarchy ruled by the ancient Yogyakarta Sultanate since 1755. The current sultan is Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, still living in the same Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat as his ancestors. The location is also called just Kraton for short, which is Javanese for palace.

wayang kulit kraton
Wayang kulit, or Javanese shadow puppet, performance inside the complex
Image credit: @tomasfoto5

The complex is considered the center of Javanese culture with many cultural ceremonies being performed around the palace grounds on special occasions. Additionally, the palace holds a variety of traditional performances, ranging from gamelan percussion ensembles to Javanese shadow puppet shows known as wayang kulit at 10AM each day.

kraton yogyakarta malioboro
Interestingly, the complex’s traditional Javanese architecture was designed by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, the first sultan of Yogyakarta, himself
Image credit: @ayulindapuspitadewi

Even without the performances, the Kraton‘s traditional Javanese architecture is nothing to sneeze at. Inside, there’s also a small museum dedicated to the late Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, a prominent figure during Indonesia’s struggle for independence, and other collections belonging to the Sultanate.

If you do decide to drop by, make sure to ask for a free tour guide at the gate to help explain some of the palace’s history and culture.

Address: Jl. Rotowijayan Blok No. 1, Panembahan, Kecamatan Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Opening hours: Tue – Sun 8.30AM-3PM | Closed Mondays
Admission Fee: Rp. 15,000 (~USD1.03) for foreigners, Rp. 5,000 (~USD0.36) for locals


5. Shop for souvenirs at Hamzah Batik and watch the hilarious Raminten Cabaret Show

batik tulis hamzah batik
The ancient art of batik tulis, recognized by UNESCO as an “Intangible Cultural Heritage”
Image credit: @tikodwiantoro

If you’re still needing more doses of retail therapy after Beringharjo Market, your next stop should be the one-stop souvenir shop Hamzah Batik at the southern end of Malioboro. The 3-storey building is quite impossible to miss, as is the unmistakable scent of burning incense coming through the lobby.

The first floor is where you’ll find their batik collection and if you’re lucky, you might catch the art of Batik Tulis being practiced where the motif is painted by hand using a tool known as canting. If you’re feeling bold, have a shot of the traditional Javanese herbal drink known as jamu being sold although fair warning, its taste can be quite strong.

loro blonyo hamzah batik
The sitting husband and wife figurine set called Loro Blonyo, a symbol of harmony in Javanese culture
Image credit: @stefenisara

The second floor houses various knick-knacks and souvenirs, ranging from simple bracelets and necklaces to elaborate wooden figurines. For newlyweds, check out the sitting husband and wife figurine of Loro Blonyo, believed to be a symbol of harmonious marriage in Javanese culture.

hamzah batik raminten figure
Posing with Raminten, a character played by owner Hamzah in a traditional Javanese play called ketoprak
Image credit: @zahraanr_

The top floor though is where the main attraction lies as the double door leads to the stage for the Raminten Cabaret Show, which performs every Friday and Saturday at 7PM. The cabaret troupe is actually continuing a cross-dressing tradition started by owner Hamzah Sulaiman, who performs as a Javanese lady named Raminten.

drag queens raminten cabaret
The fabulous drag queens of Raminten Cabaret Show
Image credit: @yohanaprd

In the cabaret show, prepare to be dazzled as drag queens lipsync as various divas from Mariah Carey to local dangdut, a type of Indonesian folk music, starlet Ayu Ting Ting. The costumes and make-up are just as fabulous as you’d expect and the performances, which is what Urban Dictionary would define as ‘extra’, are downright hilarious.

Make sure to visit early and reserve a good seat if you’re planning on going, as the venue is quite small.

Address: Jl. Margo Mulyo No.9, Ngupasan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55122
Opening hours: 9AM-9PM, Daily
Admission fee: Free. Tickets to Raminten Cabaret Show start at Rp. 60,000 (~USD4.13)


6. Catch the famed buskers of Jalan Malioboro

angklung musician malioboro
Angklung ensemble performing on the sidewalk of Jalan Malioboro
Image credit: @jovanlent

Yogyakarta has gained a reputation as a haven for art communities and nowhere is this fact more prominent than in the street performers of Jalan Malioboro. From bands giving a contemporary twist on traditional Javanese music to the troupes of angklung (percussion instruments made of bamboo tubes) musicians, the street is always filled with music.

angklung dancers malioboro
The music performance is often accompanied by traditional Javanese dance performances
Image credit: @angklungmalioboro

The angklung troupe in particular regularly draws crowds of passing tourists with some actually coming just to see them perform at around 4PM. Since 2019, the city has also dedicated one Tuesday of each month as Wage Tuesday in accordance with the Javanese calendar where street performers get their moment in the sun.

wage tuesday performance
Gita Dirgantara, marching band from the Indonesian Air Force, performing during Wage Tuesday
Image credit: @jatun_wn

On Wage Tuesdays, the street is closed for all street vendors and motor vehicles while citizens, tourists, and performers alike take to the streets to celebrate. Around August, the festivities are kicked up a notch with the Malioboro Night Festival where various cultural performances are held on a stage at the intersection of Titik 0KM Yogyakarta.

7. Mingle with the crowd at Titik 0KM Yogyakarta

titik 0km yogyakarta malioboro
The area is often still crowded even well into the night
Image credit: @acep_edward

Titik 0KM Yogyakarta is named so because it is the reference spot from which distance is measured in Yogyakarta, sort of a local Greenwich Mean Line if you may. This was also the site of a battle between Indonesian and Dutch colonials during the General Offensive of 1 March 1949 and a monument dedicated to the event sits at the corner.

titik 0km yogyakarta intersection
If you’re there when the traffic happens to be light, create your own Abbey Road moment
Image credit: @sofi_alawiyah

Today though, this intersection acts as a meeting place for both locals and tourists thanks to the wide sidewalk and numerous benches spread over the area. Crowds gather here even well into the night with the street performers providing a pleasant soundtrack over the lovely surroundings.

colonial architecture titik 0km yogyakarta
The old Bank Indonesia building, one of several examples of colonial architecture that surrounds the area
Image credit: @georgiesilalahi

As it is surrounded by colonial architecture on all sides, it’s also a favorite hunting ground among budding photographers and selfie enthusiasts. We especially like the round stone marbles that separate the road and the sidewalk as it’s just exactly the kind of thing that allows for some very creative composition.

Address: Jl. Pangurakan No.1, Ngupasan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55122
Opening hours: 24 hours, Daily
Admission fee: Free

8. Educate yourself with a walking tour from Jogja Good Guide

jogja good guide walking tour
Learn the history and Freemason association behind the Yogyakarta Parliament Building, one of the stops in the walking tour
Image credit: @joggoodguide

While Jalan Malioboro is today mostly known as a shopping street, the street actually holds a much deeper significance in the context of Javanese culture. If this is the kind of information that interests you, we highly recommend signing up for the pay-as-you-want walking tour of Jalan Malioboro with Jogja Good Guide.

kampung ketandan malioboro
The gate to Kampung Ketandan, the Chinatown of Malioboro
Image credit: @rifqyredha

This group of licensed, English-speaking tour guides holds daily walking tours through some of the city’s most interesting neighbourhoods, one of them being Jalan Malioboro. The route starts at the Tugu Station to the north, winding through the city’s historic Chinatown district of Kampung Ketandan, before ending at the Titik 0KM Yogyakarta.

Along the way, you’ll learn the history behind the street and several of its most important landmarks and of course, there’re the ever-important food recommendations. On the more philosophical side, expect to hear some tidbits about the Imaginary Line of Yogyakarta, which forms the basis of the city’s layout.


– What to eat in Jalan Malioboro –

1. Nasi Gudeg – rice with spiced jackfruit stew

nasi gudeg
Sweet, spicy, and savory, Nasi Gudeg’s combination of flavors is not to be missed
Image credit: @sinthalia 

Ask locals on what to eat in Yogyakarta and they’re all going to reply with the same answer: nasi gudeg. The word gudeg itself refers to the jackfruit, stewed with palm sugar and coconut milk, known here as santan, and is served with rice and an assortment of other side dishes.

The gudeg’s sweetness is typically balanced with krecek, a very spicy stew made from cattle skin crackers known as krupuk kulit. To complete the meal, a piece of ayam goreng kampung (non-breaded fried chicken) and telur pindang (Javanese hard-boiled eggs) is usually added to the plate.

nasi gudeg besek
For takeouts, the gudeg is often served inside a bamboo box called
Image credit:

For the best nasi gudeg in Jalan Malioboro, head to the humble shop of Gudeg Mbok Lindu, once featured in Netflix’s Street Food. While the titular Mbah Lindu has sadly passed away in July 2020, her torch has been picked up by her children and the gudeg is still just as good, and popular, as ever.

Other popular places include Wijilan Street just to the east of the Kraton where plenty of gudeg restaurants line up the street. The most well-known here is Gudeg Yu Djum, but do note that the place is often crowded and sold out quickly.

Gudeg Mbok Lindu
Address: Sosrowijayan St No.30, Sosromenduran, Gedong Tengen, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55271
Opening hours: 5AM-11AM, Daily
Price range: Rp. 20,000-Rp.25,000 (~USD1.38-USD1.72)

Gudeg Yu Djum WIjilan 167
Jl. Wijilan No.167, Panembahan, Kecamatan Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55131
Opening hours: 6AM-10PM, Daily
Price range: Rp. 15,000-Rp. 50,000 (~USD1.03-USD3.44)

2. Bakpia Pathok – Indonesian mooncake stuffed with various fillings

bakpia cappuccino
No trip to Jogja would be complete without bringing home boxes of
bakpia pathok, this one with cappuccino-flavored fillings
Image credit: @lindachristiani

Originally introduced by Chinese immigrants in the 20th century, this bite-sized disc-shaped pastry has grown to become part of the city’s identity. No oleh-oleh, Indonesian slang for souvenir, from Yogyakarta is complete without a box of bakpia pathok.

Traditionally, bakpia is stuffed with mung beans but contemporary ones now include chocolate, cheese, and even durian. Now, there are three types of bakpia found in the city – the crunchy bakpia kering (dry bakpia), the tender bakpia basah (wet bakpia), and the fluffy bakpia kukus (steamed bakpia).

bakpia manufacturers
At Pathok, you can find plenty of bakpia kitchens in the backs of the shops where they’re sold
Image credit: @jejakindonesia.official

Simply walk along Jalan Malioboro and you’re bound to find several vendors selling bakpia by the bulk. For a little bit of fun though, ask one of the becak (Indonesian rickshaw) drivers to take you to Pathuk, a neighborhood to the west of Jalan Malioboro where many bakpia shops line up the street and from which the food is named after.

strawberry bakpia kukus
These fluffy bakpia kukus with strawberry filling aren’t like your typical bakpia, but they’re just as good
Image credit: @bakpiatugujogja

Once there, drop by Bakpia Pathok 25, known for their bakpia kering where you can even check out how the bakpia is made in the kitchen back door. For bakpia basah, you can drop by Bakpia Mutiara at Dagen Street just off Jalan Malioboro while bakpia kukus is exclusively sold by Bakpia Tugu where they have an outlet at the basement of Malioboro Mall.

Bakpia Pathok 25
Jl. Karel Satsuit Tubun Jl. Sanggrahan 2 No.504, Ngampilan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55132
Opening hours: 7AM-10PM, Daily
Price range: Rp. 35,000-Rp.50,000 (~USD2.41-USD3.44)

Bakpia Mutiara Dagen
Address: Jl. Dagen No. 62, Sosromenduran, Gedong Tengen, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55271
Opening hours: 9AM-9PM, Daily
Price range: Rp. 35,000-Rp. 40,000 (~USD2.41-USD2.75)


Bakpia Tugu Malioboro Mall
Address: Malioboro Mall LG, Jl. Malioboro No.52-58, Suryatmajan, Danurejan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55213
Opening hours: 10AM-9PM, Daily
Price range: Rp. 36,000 (~USD2.48)


3. Wedang Ronde – glutinous sweet rice balls served in warm ginger broth

wedang ronde malioboro
Served with warm ginger broth,
wedang ronde makes for a great late night snack
Image credit: @rikki1586

Another dish that was first introduced by Chinese immigrants, wedang ronde is the localized version of the warm dessert tangyuan. In wedang ronde, the rice balls are filled with crushed peanuts and served in a warm ginger broth mixed with coconut sugar.

The dish is highly popular during the cold, rainy nights of the Indonesian wet season but we’d never say no to desserts no matter what the temperature is. We recommend trying out Wedang Ronde Lek Dhie, impossible to miss thanks to the LED sign, where the rice balls are served with bread cubes, more peanuts, and the local delicacy kolang-kaling (sugar palm fruits). 

Address: Jl. Dagen No.7-12, Sosromenduran, Gedong Tengen, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55271
Opening hours: 6PM-12AM, Daily
Price range: Rp. 10,000 (~USD0.69)

4. Lumpia Samijaya – legendary fried spring roll from an unassuming stall

lumpia samijaya malioboro
As humble as it looks, Lumpia Samijaya is highly sought after by foodies
Image credit: @nnisaryani

Lumpia Samijaya, or Samijaya Spring Roll, is the kind of street food stall that you’d most likely walk past unknowingly unless you know it’s there. The stall doesn’t have an official name, but Samijaya happens to be the name of the building where the stall sits in front of, so the name just kinda stuck.

But make no mistake, their spring roll is the Holy Grail of Jalan Malioboro with waiting times of at least an hour long on any given day. As such, we recommend simply making an order and then explore the rest of Jalan Malioboro before coming back later on to pick up your spring rolls.

quail egg spring roll
Deep-fried and served with quail eggs, you’re going to watch out for your cholesterol level after eating these delicious treats
Image credit: @nnisaryani

They only offer 2 types of spring rolls – Chicken and Special, which has added quail eggs. Both are also filled with mixed vegetables and served with green chili peppers and garlic sauce. While spring rolls are typically seen as snacks, the size of Samijaya’s are quite big so it could qualify as a full meal if you so desire.

Address: Jl. Malioboro No.18, Suryatmajan, Kec. Danurejan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55271
Opening hours: 8AM-9PM, Daily
Price range: Rp. 5,000-Rp. 6,000 (~USD0.35-USD0.43)

5. Warung Lesehan – Javanese eating style where you sit on the floor

lesehan malioboro
When in Yogyakarta, eat like the Yogyakartans do
Image credit: @itaandinimanagement

Lesehan isn’t a type of food, it’s a style of eating popular in Yogyakarta where you sit on a mat on the floor while the food is served on a low table in front of you. It’s sort of like a more laid-back version of the Japanese style of eating as in this arrangement, you preferably eat out of your own hands.

This style of eating can be found all over Indonesia but Jalan Malioboro is the only place where you can do it on the side of the road with street performers playing the soundtrack. There are plenty of warung lesehan in Jalan Malioboro but the most famous is Lesehan Terang Bulan, named so because it’s located right in front of a batik shop of the same name.

fried squab lesehan
Fried squab is leaner and has a considerably stronger taste than chicken
Image credit: @justnep

The food served ranges from fried chicken, fried duck, to nasi gudeg but we’d recommend going for the burung dara goreng, or fried squab. The meat is lean and dark, similar to that of a duck, but has a richer, stronger flavour and the squab is typically served whole instead of just the breast or the leg.

Address: Jl. Margo Mulyo, Ngupasan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55271
Opening hours: 9PM-2PM, Daily
Price range: Rp. 30,000-Rp. 50,000 (~USD2.07-USD3.44)

6. Angkringan – late-night haunts with unique charcoal coffee

angkringan street food
It’s probably best to have a light dinner before facing this kind of spread
Image credit: @aritriyu

In Javanese, angkringan refers to a type of shopping cart common to Central Java. These days, the word specifically refers to a type of street food stalls that sells various snacks and drinks that opens well into the witching hour and a favorite late night haunt of many Yogyakarta youths.

The spread is quite varied from nasi kucing, a dish consisting of a small portion of rice with various toppings, gorengan (Indonesian fritters), to all kinds of satays you could think of. Given the spread, it’s probably best to settle for a light dinner before hitting one of these angkringan.

charcoal coffee kopi joss
It’s a bit of an acquired taste but the charcoal and sugar creates this pleasant burnt sugar taste not unlike caramel
Image credit: @komunitasdjogja

In Jalan Malioboro, they’re typically found around Tugu Station, including the famed Angkringan Kopi Joss Lik Man. Like the name, they’re the enterprising individuals who came up with the idea for Kopi Joss where a piece of burning charcoal is dropped right in the middle of a coffee that’s been loaded with sugar.

Address: Jl. Wongsodirjan, Sosromenduran, Gedong Tengen, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55271
Opening hours: 2PM-3AM, Daily
Price range: Rp. 10,000-Rp. 30,000 (~USD0.69-USD2.07)

– Where to stay in Jalan Malioboro –

1. Grand Inna Malioboro – historical colonial architecture meets modern hospitality

hotel grand inna malioboro
The hotel is just as much a part of Jalan Malioboro as the street itself
Image credit: @grandinnamalioboro

First built in 1908, Grand Inna Malioboro with its classic colonial architecture is as much a part of Jalan Malioboro as the street itself. The hotel has gone through numerous name changes since then and plenty of locals still refer to it by its old name, Hotel Garuda.

Traditions still run strong through the hotel and every day at 1PM, you can listen to traditional gamelan performances accompanied by a female singer known as sinden in the lobby. Classic doesn’t necessarily mean outdated though as the hotel is still equipped with modern amenities such as a swimming pool and a gym.

grand inna malioboro room
Deluxe King Bed room
Image credit: Agoda

The Superior Twin Bed Room starts at Rp. 800,000 (~USD54.86) and all rooms come with a bathtub. If you want a king-size bed though, you’re going to have to upgrade to the Deluxe King Bed Room (Rp. 900,000, ~USD61.72).

Address: Jl. Malioboro No.60, Suryatmajan, Kec. Danurejan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55213
Telephone:  274 566322


2.  Melia Purosani Yogyakarta – lovely garden and kids’ swimming pool for family holidays

melia purosani garden
The pool and garden area is a great place to relax after the hustle and bustle of Jalan Malioboro
Image credit: @meliapurosani

If you’re travelling with family or just looking for a moment’s reprieve from the hectic energy of Jalan Malioboro, Melia Purosani Yogyakarta is the property you’re looking for. On the hotel grounds sit a pair of lagoon-style swimming pools, one for adults and one for kids, surrounded by a garden of tropical trees for you to relax in.

melia purosani room
Deluxe Room with a king size bed
Image credit: Agoda

The Deluxe Room starts at Rp. 800,000 (~USD54.86) and pleasantly comes with a bathtub. Families might want to check out the Family Connecting Room (Rp. 2,100,000, ~USD144.01) though as that way, both parents and children can still have some privacy.

If you’re looking for a fancier option, check out The Level Room (Rp. 1,400,000, ~USD96.01). Guests of The Level have their own private booking desk, access to The Level Lounge at the top of the hotel with complimentary cocktails and coffees, and a private butler catering to all of your possible needs.

Address: Jl. Mayor Suryotomo No.31, Ngupasan, Kec. Gondomanan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55122
Telephone:  274 589521 23


3. éL Hotel Royale Yogyakarta Malioboro – chic boutique hotel with an indoor pool

el hotel royale malioboro
Superior Room with a king size bed
Image credit: Agoda

For those simply looking for a comfortable bed to sleep in, the elegant éL Hotel Royale Yogyakarta Malioboro fits the bill to a T. First opened in 2019, the hotel is located at Dagen Street just off the main Jalan Malioboro and comes with both an indoor swimming pool and a gym to boot.

The basic Superior Room starts at Rp. 470,000 (~USD32.23), available with a king-size bed or a pair of twin beds. Rooms are a bit on the compact side but thanks to the strategic location, you’re not going to want to stay cooped up in your room anyway.

Address: Jl. Dagen No.6, Sosromenduran, Malioboro Yogyakarta 55271 Indonesia
Telephone:  274 5014111


4. Hotel Neo Malioboro by Aston – modern hotel with a rooftop lounge and live music performance

neo hotel rooftop lounge
The rooftop Neo Sky Lounge offers a great night time view of the surroundings
Image credit: @neoskylounge

The downside of staying in hotels in Jalan Malioboro is getting in and out of the hotel with a car is a hassle because of the foot traffic. Thankfully, you could simply stay at Hotel Neo Malioboro by Aston, located near Tugu Station where foot traffic is minimal but still fairly close to the main street.

The easy access isn’t Neo’s only selling point as the Neo Sky Lounge at the rooftop offers just what you need to cap off your evening in Jalan Malioboro. At night, the rooftop lounge has a great view of the surroundings with the live music performance adding a pleasant soundtrack to the atmosphere.

neo hotel malioboro room
The Neo Room with a rickshaw mural adding a touch of Yogyakarta’s culture to the room
Image credit: Agoda

The basic Neo Room starts at Rp. 650,000 (~USD44.58), available with a double bed or a pair of twin beds. We’re a fan of the mural as well, which adds a touch of local culture to the otherwise modern minimalist decor.

Address: Jl. Ps. Kembang No.21, Sosromenduran, Gedong Tengen, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55271
Telephone: 274 511999


5. Malioboro Prime Hotel – minimalist boutique hotel located in front of Tugu Station

malioboro prime hotel room
The Superior Room is pretty spacious for the price
Image credit: Agoda

If you’re travelling by train, Malioboro Prime Hotel is the perfect place to stay as the hotel is located right across one of Tugu Station’s gates. As with Hotel Neo Malioboro, the hotel is easily accessible by car and even offers bicycle rentals if you don’t feel like walking the 2km entirety of Jalan Malioboro.

We’re also partial to the minimalist and tastefully designed rooms, which are quite spacious for the price. The Superior Room starts at Rp. 350,000 (~USD24) and is available with a double bed or a pair of twin beds.

Address: Jl. Ps. Kembang No.9, Sosromenduran, Gedong Tengen, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55271
Telephone: 274 2922 999

6. Novotel Suites Yogyakarta Malioboro – newly built hotel with direct access to Malioboro Mall

rooftop pool novotel suites malioboro
Though somewhat small, the rooftop pool offers a nice spot to relax with a view of the surroundings
Image credit: @novotelsuitesmalioboro

Connected at the hip with the Malioboro Mall next door, the Novotel Suites Yogyakarta Malioboro is the one to look out for if a convenient location is your priority. If there’s ever anything you need during your stay, the shopping center is just a quick elevator ride away although if you’re driving, the traffic around the hotel might pose a problem.

Convenience isn’t all the hotel is good for as the rooftop pool and the poolside loungers offer a pretty relaxing way to rest your feet. As the hotel was built in 2020, the facilities are all pretty much in good shape as well.

novotel suites malioboro room
The Superior Room is pleasantly spacious
Image credit: Agoda

The standard Superior room starts at Rp. 650,000 (~USD44.58) and is quite spacious with a small settee by the bed. The room also comes with a microwave oven, perfect if you want to reheat some of the abovementioned bakpias or spring rolls for a late-night snack.

Address: Jl. Malioboro No.52 58, Suryatmajan, Kec. Danurejan, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55213
Telephone: 274 5018888


Where to eat, stay, and things to do in Jalan Malioboro

As lovely as it is to visit all the interesting places listed here, we also recommend simply walking the entirety of Jalan Malioboro and do or eat whatever piques your interest. 

You’re never going to run out of things to do in Jalan Malioboro and the myriad of its side streets – the beating heart of the city of Yogyakarta.

For more guides on what to see around Yogyakarta, check out these stories:

Cover image adapted from @drmeis, @andreangkadjaja, and @suzzaravina

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