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Jakartans Repeatedly Not Wearing Masks May Be Fined Up To Rp. 1,000,000, Transitional PSBB To Be Extended Till 10 Sept

Jakartans may face fines up to Rp. 1,000,000 for not wearing face masks

As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases remains high in Jakarta, wearing masks while in public is an absolute necessity. The Jakarta local government recently announced plans for imposing progressive fines to individuals repeatedly caught not wearing a mask. Alternatively, they can opt for community service. 

Fines will also apply to businesses such as restaurants, offices, and hotels that do not adhere to health and hygiene protocols. 

Fines or community service for those who don’t wear masks

Jakarta fines - COVID-19 updates as of 27th August 2020
COVID-19 updates as of 27th August 2020
Image credit: Indonesian COVID-19 Task Force 

According to COVID-19 updates logged in on 27th August 2020, Jakarta has reported a total of 36,213 confirmed cases since the beginning of the pandemic. Despite this alarming number, many individuals did not wear face masks while in public, resulting in a whopping Rp. 1,790,000,000 (~USD122,434) collected from fines alone. 

The huge amount of money collected from individual offences alone might raise questions regarding the effectiveness of financial sanctions to date, as there are still people who go around the city without masks. However, Governor Anies has announced plans to impose progressive fines – meaning that the more times you’re caught without a mask, the more money or time doing community service you’ll have to spend. 

Jakarta fines - people wearing masks
Image credit: Kompas

First-time offenders must pay Rp. 250,000 (~USD17.10) or clean public facilities for 60 minutes. Getting caught for the second time will result in either Rp. 500,000 (~USD34.20) worth of fines or 120 minutes of community service. Third- and fourth-time offenders can choose between paying Rp. 750,000 (~USD51.30) or doing 180 minutes of community service, and Rp. 1,000,000 (~USD68.40) worth of fines or 240 hours of service, respectively.

Jakarta isn’t the only area in Indonesia implementing fines for not masking up as Bali has also recently imposed financial sanctions of Rp. 100,000 (~USD6.86) for each offence

Companies and restaurants may also face financial sanctions 

Jakarta fines - wearing PPE at work
Office workers in Jakarta. Image for illustration purposes only.
Image credit: Katadata

Individuals who don’t wear masks won’t be the only ones affected by financial sanctions. Businesses that don’t impose health and hygiene guidelines may also face progressive fines – starting from Rp. 50,000,000 (~USD3,419.96) to Rp. 150,000,000 (~USD10,259.87).

Jakarta fines - people at a restaurant
Restaurant diners and a server wearing face shields at a restaurant
Image credit: Liputan6

Offenders will be tracked by an application called Jak APD, which is currently in the trial stage. 

Jakarta’s transitional PSBB will be extended until 10th September

Jakarta fines - transitional PSBB extension
A public service announcement posted on Governor Anies Baswedan’s Instagram post regarding the PSBB extension, reminding everyone to wear masks, keep their social distance from others, and wash hands often.
Image credit: @aniesbaswedan

After multiple extensions of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB), which were then followed by several phases of transitional PSBB, Governor Anies announced via Instagram that Jakarta will once again extend its transitional PSBB.

Governor Anies said that the extended transitional PSBB begins today, 28th August 2020, and will continue until 10 September 2020. He further emphasized the importance of maintaining good health and hygiene habits, as well as practicing physical distancing.

Wear a mask when you leave the house

It is important to mask up whenever you’re outdoors – especially because the gradual loosening of large-scale social restrictions may have created the illusion that the pandemic situation has improved. Wearing a mask when we go out is a small inconvenience in the grand scheme of things.

Also read:

Cover image adapted from: @jualan_face_shield and @sagavie

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