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ITB And UNPAD Collaborated To Create Health Ministry-Approved Ventilators For COVID-19 Patients; 300-500 Machines Ready To Be Produced

ITB and UNPAD create ventilators for COVID-19 patients

The shortage of medical equipment – be it proper personal protective equipment (PPE) or ventilators – has been an ongoing issue amid the COVID-19 pandemic. With the number of people testing positive for the virus continuing to climb, something has to be done immediately to facilitate their recovery.

Luckily, two universities in Bandung have worked together to come up with a solution.

ITB and UNPAD create portable ventilators

Two people show the ventilator, Vent-I
Image credit:

The Institute of Technology of Bandung (Institut Teknologi Bandung, or ITB) collaborated with Padjajaran University (Universitas Padjajaran, or UNPAD) to make portable ventilators. Named Vent-I, they have been certified by the Indonesian Ministry of Health and are ready for production.

The Vent-I is a non-invasive ventilator that is intended for COVID-19 patients who can still breathe on their own. While it is not meant to be used by patients in intensive care, according to ITB’s website, it helps those who have relatively mild symptoms. 

300 to 500 ventilators will be donated to hospitals

Dr. Syarif Hidayat tests the ventilator
Dr. Syarif Hidayat tests the ventilator
Image adapted from:

300 to 500 units of the Vent-I are being produced, and they are going to be donated to various hospitals. 

Hari Tjahjono, part of Vent-I’s public communications team, said that the number of ventilators made depends on the amount of donations coming in. 

For the time-being, the Vent-I is not being produced for commercial purposes as the team is still waiting for the market license to be issued

Hope for COVID-19 patients

The invention of these portable ventilators give hope amid the doom and gloom of the COVID-19 pandemic. A lot of people, such as those involved in the making of the Vent-I, are still trying their best to make a positive contribution despite the anxiety and darkness that blanket our current situation. 

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