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Jakarta’s PSBB Enters Transition Phase Until The End Of June, & Here’re Some Dos and Don’ts To Note

PSBB in Jakarta enters transition period until end of June

Jakartans have been told to stay home as much as possible for over two months, and as of today (5th June), large-scale social restrictions are slowly being lifted. But since a pandemic doesn’t just suddenly go away, residents of Indonesia’s bustling metropolis must remain extra vigilant. 

The transition phase will last throughout the month of June, and there are dos and don’ts that residents need to know.

Lifting of large-scale social restrictions

An empty flyover in Jakarta
Image credit: @rizki.ikhsani

While Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan is aware of the high risk that comes with the easing of social restrictions, he said he would place sanctions for violations during the transitional period, as reported by The Jakarta Post

Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan
Image credit:

The decision to slowly lift large scale social restrictions are based on the increasing number of green and yellow zones within the city – despite the fact that some neighborhoods are still considered red zones.

What you can and have to do during the transition period

As summarized by Kompas, Jakartans have to wear a mask in public places. Those who don’t will have to pay a fine of Rp. 250,000 (~USD17.84). You are also allowed to visit others’ homes or have guests over provided that social distancing measures are in place.

Public transportation will operate at 50 percent capacity and places of worship, restaurants, cafes, and offices, will begin to reopen with strict health and hygiene protocols in place.  

What you can’t do during the transition period

Large events such as weddings and concerts are not allowed to be held yet. 

It should also be noted that authorities will also be scrutinizing travel in and out of Jakarta.

Things to note during Jakarta’s PSBB transition period

It’s absolutely essential that Jakartans maintain strict personal hygiene and health measures, such as wearing masks, washing hands properly and frequently, and practicing physical distancing. Even though social restrictions are gradually being lifted, we must still be careful and not let our guards down.

Also read:

Cover image adapted from: @rizki.ikhsani

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