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Fore Coffee Has Added Two New Refreshing Jamu To Its Menu

Fore Coffee offers new jamu concoctions

Indonesian chain Fore Coffee is, as its name suggests, known for its coffee. But as with other businesses, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced it to come up with innovative ideas to ensure its survival. 

Herbal drinks, or locally known as jamu, have been a part of Indonesian culture for generations. Believed to have a variety of beneficial effects, jamu is drunk by young and old, but its popularity has really spiked since the virus broke out.

In response to the increased demand for jamu, Fore Coffee announced two additions to its menu: Temulawak Rempah and Wedang Uwuh. 

The benefits of drinking jamu

Jamu is made from a variety of natural ingredients. The most common ones are turmeric, temulawak (Javanese ginger), and ginger. Each ingredient has its own set of benefits. For example, temulawak is said to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and some also say it improves appetite. 

While herbal cold medicine such as Tolak Angin has been approved by The Indonesian Ministry of Health, the ministry still plans to do further research on the science of jamu in order to gather more evidence of its health benefits. 

Jamu-drinking has been a part of Indonesian culture for a long time, but it should be noted that while it has shown positive results among some drinkers, it is not a cure-all medicine. People with underlying liver and kidney conditions are strongly advised to consult a doctor before consuming jamu.

Fore Coffee’s Temulawak Rempah and Wedang Uwuh

temulawak rempah at fore coffee
Temulawak Rempah
Image credit:

Temulawak Rempah is one of the jamu drinks available for Rp. 25,000 (~USD1.59) at Fore Coffee. It is ideally served warm. 

Among the ingredients used for this beverage are temulawak, turmeric, ginger, lemongrass, and cinnamon. Lemongrass is good for detox and stress relief, while cinnamon boosts your immune system.

wedang uwuh at fore coffee
Wedang Uwuh
Image credit:

The other jamu drink on offer is Wedang Uwuh. It costs Rp. 28,000 (~USD1.78) and is also meant to be served warm. 

It’s an herbal alternative to modern supplements that aim to boost your immunity. It contains kayu secang, or sappanwood, which has antibacterial properties. Other ingredients include lemongrass and rock sugar.

Go to Fore Coffee’s Instagram to browse through the menu and locations – they deliver to various locations in the Jakarta metropolitan area, Medan, and Surabaya for now.

Get enough rest, eat well, and maybe try some jamu

At this point in the quarantine period, it’s highly likely that you’ve already lost track of time. But it’s important that you get a good night’s sleep, eat, and maybe drink a jamu or two to liven up your daily routine.

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