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7 Indonesian Online Counselling & Therapy Services From Rp. 30K To Help You Through The Pandemic Safely From Home

Online counselling and therapy services in Indonesia

There’s no denying that these are hard times, and understandably enough a lot of people are anxious over the pandemic and other uncertainties in the world right now.

Whether you’re stressed out from being isolated for too long, overwhelmed with working from home, or concerned about keeping your job during the pandemic, don’t hesitate to speak out and seek help. We’ve compiled a list of 7 online counselling and therapy services that may be able to help you during these times from the safety and comfort of your own home.

1. – affordable online counselling services

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Image credit:

Money is often the biggest concern for someone seeking counselling or therapy, but aims to provide a solution to the problem – it offers affordable individual counselling services with clinical psychologists at only Rp. 189,000 (~USD13.52) per hour.

Upon registration, you will be asked to specify your concerns so that the website will find the most suitable counsellor for you. The session takes place via WhatsApp, and you can choose either voice or video call depending on your preference.

In addition, you can also check out’s podcast on YouTube and Spotify, where their psychologists talk about all things mental health such as anger management, job burnout, and stress during the pandemic.

Website | YouTube | Spotify

2. Kalm – free gratitude journal to track your mental health even after counselling sessions

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Image credit: Kalm

Kalm is operated by a small team of clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and counsellors. Their app provides various counselling packages that you can choose according to your budget and needs, starting from Rp. 99,000 (~USD7.07) for a three-day unlimited chat session. Aside from individual adult counselling, they are also well-versed in family counselling.

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Image credit: Kalm

Mental health is a long-term goal, and often not something that can be achieved at one shot. That’s why a free gratitude journal is included in each package for you to track your mental health even after counselling sessions by listing the things you are grateful for.

Website | iOS | Android

3. Riliv – free meditation guide and audio for calm bedtime listening

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The Riliv app interface
Image credit: Riliv

Riliv provides a number of counselling packages with clinical psychologists that you can choose based on your budget and needs, and first-time users can choose the Introduction Package for only Rp. 100,000 (~USD7.13) per session.

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The Riliv app offers a free meditation guide, content to help you sleep, and counselling services
Image credit: Riliv

Aside from counselling services, the app also provides a free meditation guide you can access from your smartphone, and a selection of content to aid with your sleep such as calming music and sounds and bedtime stories. After all, enough rest is key to good mental health and your wellbeing in general.

Website | iOS | Android

4. Halodoc – mental and physical healthcare all in one app

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Image credit: Halodoc

Although best known for their physical healthcare services, Halodoc also boasts reliable mental health services with affordable sessions. Each session, which is done via the app’s chat feature, lasts for 30 minutes and costs only Rp. 30,000 (~USD2.14).

You can choose which psychiatrist or clinical psychologist whom you would like to consult based on their years of experience and user ratings, which are displayed on their profiles on the app.

The app also has consultation services with medical doctors, so when you’re feeling sniffly and under the weather, you can seek medical advice and get prescriptions through the app safely from your home.

Website | iOS | Android

5. Yayasan Pulih – free email consultations with psychologists

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Image credit: Wawan Suwandi

With over 17 years of experience in psychology and counselling, Yayasan Pulih specializes in handling traumatic experiences, especially those suffered by disaster and abuse survivors and humanitarian workers.

The organization employs qualified psychologists and counsellors, but they can also refer clients to psychiatrists if necessary.

For free counselling services, you can email them at [email protected]. Just make sure to include your basic information and concerns to ensure they can provide you with the help you need.


6. Klee – counselling services in any format of your choice

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Video credit: @klee_id

Sometimes, it’s challenging to get on a video call or on the phone when your living circumstances don’t give you enough privacy. Klee provides online counselling services through chat, as well as the usual voice calls and video calls, so you can choose the communication channel that suits your needs best.

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Image credit: Klee

Prices of these services vary based on the counsellor’s experience, and start from Rp. 110,000 (~USD7.85) per hour with a junior psychologist.

Aside from therapy, Klee also provides assessment services which include IQ, aptitude, and personality tests for you to gain a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and to pick up useful skills to apply whenever you are facing negative thoughts or setbacks in life.


7. – online counselling any time you choose

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Image credit: allows you to pick your own online counselling schedule, giving you more flexibility amid daily tasks and responsibilities that take up so much of your time. You can also choose whether to have counselling via chat, voice call, or video call depending on which one makes you most comfortable. 

When registering, you will be prompted to share your concerns to allow the website to find the most suitable psychologist. Afterwards, you can choose your own schedule depending on your availability, and then you’re good to go. 

Apart from individual counselling, the site also provides couple counselling, which includes individual and couple sessions, that you can use to work on your concerns with your SO.


Online counselling services in Indonesia

Though mental health is still often considered taboo in some Asian countries, awareness about the subject is increasing, which can be seen with the amount of counselling services available in Indonesia especially during the pandemic.

There are so many uncertainties in the world at the moment, but one thing for sure is that you don’t have to struggle alone. Help is always within reach as long as you’re willing to open up and share your story with a listening ear.

For more articles about thriving during the pandemic, check out:

Cover image adapted from Riliv and Kalm

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