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Bali Hotels Prepare New Safety & Hygiene Measures As Travel Restrictions In Indonesia Are Slowly Lifted

Bali hotels prepare COVID-19 safety and hygiene protocols

COVID-19 has put many plans – especially travel plans – to a halt. With stay-at-home orders in place in many regions across Indonesia for the past two months, provinces that rely on tourism have struggled. 

Though it’s hard to predict how the tourism industry will adapt to the aftermath of the pandemic, hotels in Bali are preparing new safety and hygiene measures in anticipation of the gradual lifting of travel restrictions. 

Taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of guests

To prepare for the eventual reopening of Bali, the deputy chairman of the Indonesian Hotel General Manager Association (IHGMA), Ketut Swabawa, told on Tuesday, 26th May 2020 that in order for the new tourism “ecosystem” to function properly, hotels have to be supported by the transportation and food industries they work with. 

He also added that hotels that implement a high standard of hygiene will most likely charge more for their services.

Bali hotels implementing strict health protocols

Viceroy Hotel Bali
Image adapted from: @viceroybali

It’s better to be safe than sorry. Dewa Made Indra, Bali’s administration secretary, said that visitors to Bali have to hold medical certificates from hospitals that state they are COVID-19 free. But even then, all hotel guests regardless of health status have to wear face masks.

Ayana hotel staff wipes handles
Image credit:

Hotel chains such as AYANA and Viceroy Bali are not taking any chances. AYANA’s hotels in Bali, for instance, sanitize all luggage upon arrival, and also pay close attention to the handling of food. The hotel staff receive special training on hygiene protocols.

Ayana hotel staff disinfects surfaces in hotel room
Image credit:

Viceroy Bali also aims to keep their facilities as safe as possible by conducting routine body temperature checks of staff and guests, frequent sanitizing of common areas, surfaces, and vehicles, as well as ensuring physical distancing in restaurant and pool areas.

Wear a mask, maintain your distance

While safety and hygiene protocols are currently being drafted in preparation for the reopening of Bali in the near future, we should not forget that the pandemic is not over yet and we still need to be extra careful.

Wear a mask, practice physical distancing, and make sure that your enjoyment doesn’t put the health and safety of those around you in jeopardy. 

Also read:

Cover image adapted from: @viceroybali

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