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Starbucks Indonesia Reopens Its Stores, & Customers Must Follow Health Guidelines To Dine In

Starbucks Indonesia reopens its stores

Like many coffee shops in the last few months, Starbucks outlets in Indonesia didn’t allow customers to dine in due to PSBB guidelines. But since some cities such as Jakarta have started to ease large-scale social restrictions, you can now stop by your go-to Starbucks to sit down and enjoy your favorite beverage, provided that you follow the store’s health guidelines.

Dining in at Starbucks outlets again

Separators between tables at Starbucks IndonesiaImage adapted from: @yoelpicture

While Starbucks outlets have reopened, we’re still in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. So don’t be surprised to see green separators that have been installed between tables, as guidelines for physical distancing rules. 

Starbucks Indonesia baristas wearing PPEImage credit: @starbucksindonesia

As a protective measure and to curb the spread of COVID-19, Starbucks baristas are equipped with PPE and all outlets will also implement health and hygiene guidelines that customers must adhere to.

Starbucks Indonesia’s health guidelines

According to this page, all Starbucks stores will only be operating at 50 percent capacity at any one time to avoid overcrowding, and each table can be shared by no more than three people.

Your temp will be checked before entering any outletImage credit: Starbucks Indoensia LINE Timeline

Before entering any Starbucks outlet, a staff member will check your temperature with a non-contact thermometer.

Push the door with your footImage credit: Starbucks Indoensia LINE Timeline

You’re also required to push all doors within the store using your foot to reduce the need to touch surfaces. There is a small contraption that functions as a “foot handle.” 

Customers must wear a face maskImage credit: Starbucks Indoensia LINE Timeline

Everyone must wear a face mask within the store. There are no exceptions. 

Use handsanitizers before standing in line for your drinkImage credit: Starbucks Indoensia LINE Timeline

Hand sanitizers are also provided, so be sure to sanitize your hands before lining up to place your order. It’s also important that you stand one meter away from other customers who are queueing. There are clear signs indicated on the floor, so you won’t have to gauge the distance yourself.

Last but not least, once you’ve made your order, it’s strongly recommended that you use e-payment apps to avoid contact.

Forming good hygiene habits in public

While the new arrangement might need some getting used to, there’s nothing wrong with forming good health and hygiene habits in public. Nobody wants to contract COVID-19, so the very least we can do is keep ourselves and our surroundings clean.

Also read: 

Cover image adapted from: @yoelpicture and @starbucksindonesia

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